Jenson & Nicholson (BD) Ltd.


Jenson & Nicholson (Bangladesh) Ltd. Berger House, Plot 8, Road 2, Sector 3 Uttara Model Town, Dhaka 1230.
PABX : +88 02 48953665-70(Hunting) FAX : +88 02 48951350 E-mail Web Site:

Revision Date: 10.01.2023. Revision: 02
We are in the business of Manufacture of metal containers and are committed to delight our customers, eliminate and/or reduce environmental as well as health & safety (EHS) impacts resulting from our business operations. We regard Quality, Environmental and Health & Safety (QEHS) performance improvement as essential elements of our sustainable business philosophy. The entire organization is committed to protect environment and control our EHS impacts which may affect biodiversity, natural resources, community and our people’s health & safety in general.

We aim to fulfill our QEHS commitments through the following broad-level actions:

■ Compliance in both letter and spirit with all applicable laws and regulations.
■ Ensuring fulfillment of expectations by the involved parties in order to achieve their satisfaction and obtain mutual the competitive advantages.
■ Implement cost effective continual improvements in performance through setting SMART QEHS objectives.
■ Provision of safe and healthy working condition for the prevention of work related injury and ill health.
■ Eliminating hazards and reducing OH&S risks through appropriate control measures in line with the magnitude of risks.
■ Capacity building of the entire team so that they may provide spontaneous support to the excellence in QEHS.
■ Reduce and minimize ecological footprint of our internal operations with a focus on low carbon growth path, renewable energy and biodiversity enhancement in our infrastructural facilities.
■ Adopt the “3-R” (reduce, reuse and recycle) philosophy for all types of wastes toward prevention of pollution and dispose of “inevitable” wastes, in line with regulatory requirements or industry best practices.
■ Introduction of a robust safety system for all our operations with a special attention to our contractors / subcontractors.
■ Consultation and Participation of workers.

We aspire to make ourselves ready to adopt global QEHS best practices in future. We sincerely intend to meet our commitments towards being responsible global corporate citizen.